
Image: On the background, grass glimmering on the light of sun setting or rising behind some trees. On the front, graphic objects and text. On the left half of the image, under the title Food Tech Platform Finland, three circles with text in them, one on the top and two on the bottom. In the circle on the top, SUSTAINABLE FOOD, production & consumption. In the left cirle of the bottom row, SCIENCE as a source of new value & solutions. In the right cirle of the bottom row, TECH as an enabler for new value & solutions. These three circles are partially on top of each other, forming an union in their middle and there is a fourth circle in the middle of the formation. The middle circle has the text NEW BIZ = new value for the customer. On the right half of the image, A sustainable Food System 2.0 is most attractively generated by delivering new value to the end customer.

Our not-so-secret ingredients

Food Tech Platform Finland’s approach in seeking new business and growth opportunities is based on deployment of scientific knowledge, open collaboration and understanding the complex human-food relationship.

Image: hands holding oat grains